

A fellow blogging mama posted about a photo project that she was taking part in, found over at Che & Fidel. The project includes one photo a week for 52 weeks of your child, pet, lover, whatever. I will be photographing Lo, well because, that's just what I do. I don't know which avenue I want to take yet. I'm thinking maybe an outdoor photo theme [in hopes that we'd get outside more, mainly during these colder months] or maybe  photos while doing art projects [which could result in a little art book for her later on.] I could also have Scott do the photo taking. He would love the challenge. The options are endless. Whichever way I take it, I'm sure it'll be fun.


  1. What a doll! Looking forward to this project as well. So nice to meet you.

    1. thank you! i'll be sure to stop by and check yours out too :]

  2. Oh my goodness your daughter is adorable, cant wait to see more photo's from you!!
