
sensory play / / button bin

We l o v e sensory play. I have made sensory bins for Lo since she was a baby. When she was younger, and more inclined to put things in her mouth, I found myself limited and sacrificing creativity for practicality. Now that she is way past that phase at 3 1/2 years old, I can do more. She loves the different bins and she asks to bring tim out often. So I like to keep it fresh and exciting for her.
Since coming across a large bundle of buttons, I was brainstorming many ways we could incorporate them into our play, art, and learning. Thus far, we have glued them, counted, them, sorted them, showed them off, and now incorporated them into our sensory play.
This one is of a man throwing a snowball at snow people.
Fun for all ages. We all had our hands on this box and made different scenes.
I love this little multi-colored flower scene.
And how Logan sorted them here from big to little.
And this little face here, of course.


the last thursday in november

...to you and yours
and mine too.

nature in the home / / painting with nature


Every year I eagerly await the Holiday season. Much as that includes my love and appreciation for Thanksgiving, I just can't help but crave all things Christmas. There is something so comforting about coming home to twinkling lights, warm cookie smells, and evergreen. But I just can't bring myself to decorate until after Thanksgiving. To me, it doesn't feel right to celebrate one holiday when the one prior hasn't even ended. Crazy OCD, perhaps! So we save our decorating for the day after. But I do envy admire fellow bloggers and friends who are already blissfuly decorated. It's a struggle, I swear. Because of that, we have been trying to find little ways to sneak in some Christmas-ness, so that at that very second when Thanksgiving ends, we can (in good conscious) allow Christmas to take over.

Logan loved our new 'paintbrushes.'
Sadly though, these were one time use, as they did not rinse well-- but it was worth it. 

We had intended to decorate this tree here with pine needles today, but mother nature decided to rain on our parade...literally. 

We'll have to try something with the pine needles again. 
Such fun to work with-- and only slightly prickly.


november challenge-- 30 days of thankful: days 18-26

18. / / fall cozies 19. / / a little yoga lover 20. / / books that have taught me, and brought me closer to life and the people in it 21. / / a little superhero who gave up her paci with such bravery and confidence-- she makes me proud to be  her mama 22. / / my red messenger bag that once held diapers, bottles, and bibs 23. / / the color blue and how beautiful it looks on my sweet girl-- it also doubles as her favorite color 24. / / little writings-- this girl writes like a boss 25. / / a healthy eater-- always has been. these days, a salad is her most requested meal/snack-- she would eat it all day every day 26. / / spray paint-- and how it can be used on just about a n y t h i n g.



^ new cushions for the doll house
^ a grumpy little performer
^ button art
^ on the court
^ last little bits of thanksgiving decor at our farmers market before christmas takes over

Linking up here.



Big ones.
Little ones.
Old ones.
New ones.
Some that are red.
Some that are blue.
Ones that are shiny.
Ones that are dull.
Anchors, coins, hearts, and pearls.

. . .never knew how intriguing they could be.


christmas shops are good for the soul


Last year we visited a local farm/market to take photos by the outdoor evergreens for our Christmas cards; and since that visit was such a success, we decided to do a repeat. Unfortunately, this year we were too early-- no tress were out yet. Nope, not a single one. The cute little side shop was though, so we ventured in committed to not waste a stop. To say Logan was overwhelmed is an understatement. An ocean of red, green, and glitter swept her in and she just floated along taking everything in. We did manage to get a couple cute 'holiday' shots of her. She even got a little time outside in the playground area to swing. Logan had been indoors for a few days nursing a cough, so this trip out to reconnect with society and get some fresh air was just what she needed. Watching our sweet little girl, at such a happy time explore and heighten her excitement for the holidays was just what we needed. A win for all.

There is a pretty funny video on Scott's instagram I took of Lo on the swings in which I misjudged the length between my face and her legs, and get kicked. 

My instagram is here.


"A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2013."

Logan: This is the last photo I have of you with a paci in your mouth. We are 48hrs without it, and surprisingly, it has been a smooth transition. Actually, I think it is harder on me than it is on you. I'm so very proud of you my sweet girl-- more than you will ever know. Even though we emphasize how you are such a "big girl" you will forever be mama's baby.

Linking up here.

Favorites from last week:
he and she, these two, and this sweet pair. 


preschool homeschool / / weeks 10 and 11

These past two weeks have come and gone quicker than I can say "boo." There were a few unscheduled things thrown at us and a week of work for me. Because of that, these two weeks became more of a review of sorts. But that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. I find it important to review concepts and ideals by revisiting things we once learned, as a means to strengthen it. 

We started a alphabet book during these weeks. Logan loves getting creative with each letter. 
 As we do every week we spent a lot of time with create-a-pages. I love Logan's method in coloring-- she has to use every.single.color.
 We have spent a lot of time doing puzzles. Logan has rediscovered them and is in love all over again. This one is one of her favorites, probably because she can master it quite quickly. It's the cutest little puzzle. We love eeboo products.
 We spent the less cool days outside. Logan loves tennis. For her last birthday she got a gift card to Target and when we went to use it, she picked out a racquet. This was her first time using it. You could hardly tell by her pro-stance here.

We also worked on daily personal care, and cleaning up after herself. We no longer need to work on hand washing as this girl is a straight up professional-- probably better than most adults I know. She washes her hands without having to be told to. We're so proud of our clean bean.

As the days get cooler, we spend more and more time cuddled up under blankets reading. We've hit up a few second hand book stores and have added to our collection. This girl would read for days. I love it. I love her.

nature in the home / / pinecones + paints

Here is another one of our fall finds.

We found these perfect pinecones a few weeks back. 
Heaps of them coated the pine needle blanketed ground. 
I have never seen so many at once. 

We filled a whole grocery store bag of them with plans to get creative with them. I have memories from when I was younger of making pinecone art.

Logan loves combining nature and art. So thats what we did. 

Pinecones + paint. 

They came out lovely. Our plan is to in the next week or so, add some string to ready them for our Christmas tree. They are still sticky with drips of sap. I had plans to bake it off, but I kind of dig the winterish look the sap gives.

Linking up here.