
preschool homeschool / / weeks 10 and 11

These past two weeks have come and gone quicker than I can say "boo." There were a few unscheduled things thrown at us and a week of work for me. Because of that, these two weeks became more of a review of sorts. But that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. I find it important to review concepts and ideals by revisiting things we once learned, as a means to strengthen it. 

We started a alphabet book during these weeks. Logan loves getting creative with each letter. 
 As we do every week we spent a lot of time with create-a-pages. I love Logan's method in coloring-- she has to use every.single.color.
 We have spent a lot of time doing puzzles. Logan has rediscovered them and is in love all over again. This one is one of her favorites, probably because she can master it quite quickly. It's the cutest little puzzle. We love eeboo products.
 We spent the less cool days outside. Logan loves tennis. For her last birthday she got a gift card to Target and when we went to use it, she picked out a racquet. This was her first time using it. You could hardly tell by her pro-stance here.

We also worked on daily personal care, and cleaning up after herself. We no longer need to work on hand washing as this girl is a straight up professional-- probably better than most adults I know. She washes her hands without having to be told to. We're so proud of our clean bean.

As the days get cooler, we spend more and more time cuddled up under blankets reading. We've hit up a few second hand book stores and have added to our collection. This girl would read for days. I love it. I love her.


  1. What an artist you have and I love your alphabet book!!

    1. thank you, sweet friend! it was quite a hit.
