
strawberry picking

Today we headed out to our favorite local farm and went strawberry picking. The tractor wagon took us out to the wet, marshy, fields where we filled our produce bins with berries, berries, and berries. We were in our sweet [literally] glory. Strawberry scents filled the air, and the sights looked as sweet as they smelled. 

The ground was quite soggy to say the least [yesterday we received 5 inches of rain] but we didn't let that stop us. 

This is one of my favorite early summer traditions we have created with Logan. And I think it's hers too, my sweet red handed berry thief. Sco, Lo, and I are all huge berry enthusiasts, and look forward to picking them fresh and local every year.

Any early summer traditions?
Any strawberry recipes?
All are welcomed :]


  1. That's a great tradition. She is precious, what a little heart breaker!

  2. I've always wanted to do this! It'd be an awesome tradition. Love it!

  3. We loved picking strawberries when we lived in Norway, but we haven't done it since moving to Denmark 5 years ago (if we don't count the ones in the backyard!). I would love to go this year, though! There's nothing better than fresh strawberries. Here in Denmark we eat them by the bowl full, with cream and sugar. Yum! Looks like Logan really enjoyed herself!

  4. Those berries are gorgeous!! I've been picking on a Blueberry farm the last few days and it's been a blast!

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