
find + follow friday [co-hosting!]

So I am doing my first [woot woot!] co-host with a lovely fellow mama blogger friend Nicole over at Me + the Moon. Big thanks to all who will be joining in with us! 

Here's how it works:
1. Follow your hosts. 
They will be numbers 1 - 4 on the list. **I try to always follow back, so PLEASE leave a comment letting me know you're new here so I don't miss you! ** Sometimes it takes a little while, but I always get through every comment and follow back. :) My co-hosts this week are: Sara over at Melon Pea Shannon over at Imperfectly Perfect Grace + Shawna over at Doe Loves Buck! 2. Link up your blog's main page
3. Try to stop by at least 3 blogs and follow ones you love. 
I'm sure they'd love it if you left a comment, as well :)
4. Take a button! 
Sharing is caring :) The more awesome blogs = the more awesome bloggy friends you make.
5. Tweet this hop!


  1. Hello!

    Thanks for hosting the blog hop and I'm your newest follower:) Have a great weekend!

    Lillies & Silk

  2. Thank you for hosting!! I'm you're newest follower! Follow backhttp://mommy-inthe-making.blogspot.com/?m=1

  3. Thank you for co-hosting the link-up! So glad to have found your blog and to be your newest follower. :) Feel free to stop by Lashes & Beard sometime. Would love to see you there!


  4. I am a new follower from the find and follow friday hop! Cute blog and the pizza recipe looks delicious! Feel free to check me out!


  5. Hi! I'm new here, found you through the blog hop! Would love it you'd check me out too! http://breaktheparentingmold.com/

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Hi! Newbie here to blogging and hopping as well! I'm your newest follower!
