
a special gift

Logan's doll house from start to finish was a group project indeed-- my vision, my dad's craftsmanship paired my mom's push and a deadline, and Scott's willing to help out with whatever [and in playing along with all of my abstract ideas.] 

Pop-pop [with Grammy's as his lovely assistant] built it and assembled the real-life roof. 

Daddy painted it [bright white] and spray painted the furniture. 

Mommy decorated it with craft paper [and bought a few house plants at Lo's request, because really, what's a house without plant life?]  

Santa furnished it [with some thrifted pieces which he then spray painted with silver and cream paint, to give it a brand-new look and some new pieces that light up, flush, and brew-- lamp, toilet, and stove.] 

And, Logan l o v e s it. This may be an understatement. She completely adores it. And I adore that. I love to sit and watch her be creative and max out her imagination. She is such a smart little thing and often realistic in her play too. Many times we'll find a naked doll sitting in the bathtub, cups on the [way too small] kitchen table, the hand soap at the sink [seen in picture,] and someone always tucked in bed. Her little brain is perfection.

The house still needs a few things, like some wall art, flooring, throw pillows, etc... but that's mostly for my entertainment. For Lo, it is totally perfect, as is.


  1. That is so amazing!! Truly beautiful! I found your blog over at the meet&greet and so happy I did!

    1. thanks! i'll be sure to stop by and visit! :]

  2. That is awesome!

  3. oh my goodness! that is stunning! its totally on my bucket list to make a doll house for my first daughter. this is an inspiration for the future! :) love love love

    1. thanks! yeah it's definitely a must for any little girl. :] she loves it.

  4. Great team effort, she looks so happy!

  5. stumbled onto your blog via the blog hop at:

    ADORABLE pic at the start of the post!!
    my dad MADE me a doll house when i was little and i played with it almost everyday!! LoL

    New follower via Email :-)


  6. HI there! I'm Hanna. I'm your newest follower!!! Lovely space you have here! I hope you have a great weekend! You can find me in my little corner anytime at

    xoxoxo Hanna

  7. This is truly something to cherish - and being that it was a family effort (with Santa's help) makes it all the more special. It's beautiful!!!
    I'm your 50th GFC follower! I came by from Meet & Greet (thanks for joining and linking up this week).
    I think I'm going to love visiting your blog - because I'm all about peace & love, and we have sippy cups at our home too! ;)
    Have a great weekend,
