
sibling grass hangs

Filling my heart with my little golden babies and all their goodness.


11 months earth side, my sweet boy

My dearest Adler. Just when I think I couldn't love you any more than I do, you flash those wrist rolls and squeeze those soft bunny ears to sooth your teething rage. You melt my mama heart at least 10 times a day. I can't really remember life before you, and I don't really want to. You are the sweetest little guy with your toothy grin and scrunched up nose, and I am so glad you are ours.


life lately || smack dab in the middle of spring

^  As my workload gradually decreases the closer we get to summer, so do my hours. Enjoying a little bit of 'me time' when the baby naps usually includes: hot brew, cozy blankets with the fan on + windows open, and New Girl on Netflix.

^  Among all of the extracurriculars we have going on, Logan joined the Diversity Club at school. They meet every other week and she has learned and shared so much already. I love the mission of acceptance and inclusion in  celebrating differences over masking them.

^  I think it's safe to say that Target will forever have a place in my heart. They always have the dreamiest home goods and I want them all. Since I can't buy it all (and don't need it all) I sometimes snap a quick photo and call it art.

^  As of right now, Adler has 7 teeth and about 4-5 coming in. He is a bionic baby when it comes to teething. Such a trooper! We try to keep him stocked with the sturdiest natural teethers to help him through. Also, I'm still stuffing his chunky bottom into our moses basket for cat naps and I might cry when he officially outgrows it. 

^  Logan dressed as Cinderella for "Disney Character Day" at school. These weird theme days drive me batty, but she sure loves them. I guess that's all that matters though, right?! Right.

^  Adler is a master sleeper, but there's a catch-- he has to be in his bed. He doesn't often nap when we are out. He will snooze in the car, but he is wayyyy too nosey to fall asleep if we are doing something. So it's a rarity for him to fall asleep like a little baby in our bed. He looks so comfy, I wish he would do it more. 

^  We had a girls day with one of our favorite mom/daughter duos and had the best day. We went to see Beauty and the Beast (incredible), ate a delicious lunch (with a side of fried pickles--who knew!!?), and did some shopping. We try to do a special day for the girls each year, though we missed last year due to a clash in scheduling and baby boy's arrival. It is such a special thing for the girls and they truly love having this day, so we plan to stay on the ball a little better in the future. 

^  I've been taking a similar style of photos of Adler in Scott's arms since he was born. It's bitter sweet to look back on how much he has grown and how his fit has changed in daddy's arms. I love that I have this collection.

^  I forgot about babies reach and those pesky little hands and Adler is proving to be no exception. He's grabbed drinks, plates, and his uncles beard, along with many other things not meant for baby. We finally have a good idea of his reach and are doing much better. It was rough at first. Huge apologies to Starbucks for the spilled Venti Pike-- or two! Gahh! One of Adler's favorite things to do is put his toys on top of our new thrifted vintage suitcase. I don't know if it's the perfect height or what, but he loves. 

^  This boy and his Bunny are inseparable. We typically leave it in his crib, but sometimes he'll bring him out after his afternoon nap. As soon as we put him in bed he grabs Bunny and snuggles him to his face. It is seriously the cutest thing. Logan named the bunny (which she picked him out when I was pregnant for her baby brother) "Abraham Bunny." But for now, we just call him Bunny.
^  As the wether has been getting nicer, we have been spending more time outside. As a family, we love being outside. A few weeks ago we headed to the lake-- our first of many hangs and it was the most beautiful evening. 

this is seven

Lots of laughter 
A space filled smile. 
Hairband rainbow bracelet. 
A new thrifted top that wont fit very long.
Shiny hoop earrings. 
Highlights from the sun peeking through. 
27 full days 2 half days left of school.
This is Seven...
And we are kind of loving it.

spring: blooms, a growing girl, mindful appreciation

Pennsylvania is so pretty this time of year. Little clusters of color among the fresh bright green that each year, seem to appear over night, always catch my eye. Spring often feels like an eternity waiting for it's arrival, and then once it's here; it's passes by at rapid speed. I myself have been working towards being more mindful this spring, and in doing so, to instill in Logan an appreciation of the beauty found in each season. We live in a region where we get to live through all four seasons and each season is marked by different beauty. Through the longest and darkest of winters; my wish if for her to forever feel an appreciation. Each year as my girl grows I seek out ways to preserve her beauty, strength, and confidence. And each time, I am lead by nature. From a single snowflake that lands on the tip of her nose as she walks to her car after a night class, to the hot summer sun beating down on her legs as she lays out with a new book-- to always know that much like people, nature comes in many ways for us to enjoy.