

Tuesday mornings are the best around here. 
The air is getting cooler. Our drinks are getting warmer. Clothing layers thicken.  Tummies are fuller, spirits are lighter, smiles are bigger-- I love fall feelings.



"A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2014."

Logan: Self-proclaimed princess, with the crown to prove it. Everyday is an adventure with you.



laundry, fresh out of the dryer
back rubs
the sound of bedtime stories through the monitor
organic berries
pumpkin spice lattes
^lattes in general
sweater weather
under the blanket giggles
a cold glass of chocolate milk
receiving a package in the mail
my sweet raspy girl singing john lennon's "beautiful boy" 
new bedding
brown bag wrapped flowers
a walk in the city
family movie date
white paint
my favorite blue t-shirt
catching up with old friend
^sending a handwritten letter to another
the perfect messy bun
pretzels and mustard
freshly painted nails
a healthy child

For me, jotting these down as a visual reminder allows for me to reflect and truly appreciate that I have so many reasons to be happy; that so many things in life bring me joy.

What are some things that make you happy?

pic source


take me out to the ball game

This is a treasured collection of photos of my sweet little pea at the baseball game we went to before summer began. 
It was a beautiful spring night and we had such a fun time. 

I've been decluttering all aspects of my life--
...eliminating the insignificant and holding close things that matter, 
people that matter.

I've been cleaning out my laptop, too, as a means to simplify and organize. 

These photos are ones I wish to document.



"A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2014."

Logan: Wednesday we went to a local pick-your-own farm. A recent bee sting had you a slightly over cautious with the bees snacking on the fallen fruit. But you still managed to picked the prettiest apples and peaches.


buy local || eat local

"It's such a beautiful morning today, huh." 
Those were Logan's first words to me this morning, and she was right. 
It was a beautiful morning in the northeast-- sun shining, blue skies, cool breeze. 

We set out to enjoy the day with Daddy. 

Wednesday is the only day in the week where Sco has nowhere to be, no commitments-- no work, no school, nothing. So on Wednesdays  he's ours for the entire day, and we love it. 

Today we went out to our local orchard. 
We picked peaches and apples. 
We dodged bees and flies, and other garden bugs; but we still managed to bring home the best of the bunch. 

After dinner we ate a peach crisp cobbler topped with a scoop of vanilla bean ice-cream. 
^ Recipe to come.

It was delightful. 

See our post from when we went last year here.


a month of || 52

^ 33. beach yoga.

^ 34. trying really hard not to smile, and looking so much like daddy doing so.

^ 35. topknots have become the norm, you can see why.

^ 36. little hipster posing in front of the prettiest green in the city.

I'm really trying to get it together with this photo project and this blog; and just documenting in general. We are starting our preschool homeschool back up this week, so I'm hoping a little more of a scheduled day will aid in that. 
I'm really holding on to these moments I have at home with my sweet girl. This time next year she will be starting Kindergarten, and I'm beginning to feel a little pressured in making sure this little pea of mine is ready to greet this big, big world. 

We've been catching up with old friends, making new ones, and just living life as happily as we can. Thats all that truly matters anyway.

Linking up (in bulk) here.
Photos from my Instagram.

Favorites from last week: this pretty, these beauties with a brick wall backdrop, and this sweet catch-up collection.


summer scenes || vacation

I grew up vacationing down the shore in the summers, 
and to this day, a week at the beach feels just the same. 
I come from a family of pretty hardcore beach goers--
we beach it the whole week from 11am-5pm, weather permitting. 
One of my favorite things about being a parent
is being able to share and revisit dearest pastimes with my child. 
And fortunately for us, Logan loves the beach. 

She's content jumping waves, digging in the sand, hunting treasure, paging through a magazine, and just relaxing. This makes for the most pleasant week for everyone.
I was able to start and finish a book myself-- a first in quite some time. 
I didn't take many photos, but that just makes these that much more special. 
I did, however, document a few others on my Instagram.