
the best

Every so often I find myself experiencing the best "____" yet.
- The best weather.
- The best photo ^^^
- The greatest Christmas.
- The best beach experience.
- The sweetest time spent with friends.

Each happening beats the last.
Everything just gets better.

Or, is life just getting better?

I credit it to carrying with me a deeper appreciation for life in general.
Choosing experiences over things.
Living in the moment.

I always felt that it takes more energy to be mad or feel down
than it does to smile and be happy-- to let things go.

This way of thinking is one I hope to instill and nourish in my daughter--
my free spirited, earth loving, artistic, and kind babe.
She inspires me.

In our family, we strive for simplicity.
We appreciate life as a gift.
We find extraordinary in the ordinary.
We choose nature first.
We want less.

And in turn, we feel happier because of it.
And that for certain is the best.

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