

 "A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2014."

Logan: our little tourist with a map in hand every place we go.

Linking up here.



"A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2014."

Logan: Up high on Daddy's shoulders checking out the rides on the boardwalk. 3 more weeks and they open. We are so ready.

Linking up here.
Favorites from last week: this beauty, this sweet pair, and this cutie.

See more from our shore trip here.


f r i d a y | | f i v e

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5

Things i'm loving right now...

^ positive thoughts
^ longing for saltwater hair and sandy feet
^ veggie pizzas and experimenting with new combinations
^ random beads of different shapes and color
^ metallic meets leather clutch


by the bay

Weekday shore trips during off-season are the best. No traffic, no waiting, and lots of space to play. 
The bay has become our favorite go-to spot lately. The water is calmer, warmer, and more predictible.
We can do everything there that we do at the beach-- plus some.
Like wading in the water with out getting spashed or even worse, knocked down.
Collect rocks and pebbles.
Search for treasures.
Get so sandy you need to be rinsed with buckets of water.
Big cousins are good for that.
Swing on the swings.
Go to and from the water all you want because we literally are sitting right near the water's edge (without worry that when the tide comes in our belongings will get wet.)
Explore the dock and the birds that hang out there.
Then we can still venture over to the beach side and visit the boardwalk for more fun.
And get delicious hot salty fries.
And pose with random statues. So random.

Logan loves to try new things in the arcade. 
I favor the drop-claw crane machines and Scott can be found at the basketball and football games.
This time of year some shops and games are still closed. But their stands provide excellent photo backgrounds. More randomness.
 It's so very close to open season. We checked out the rides that were being tested and checked and made ready for little laughs and screams. We can't wait to go back once everything is open.

**We got a pizza to take home from our favorite pizza shop. We stopped by the beach before we left with hopes to kick around the soccer ball and check out the waves, but it was so windy that the sand was stinging our skin-- second time this happened to us this year. There were also a lot of way too large beetles crawling in the sand that literally sent me running off the beach leaving everything behind. I'm lucky Sco is such a good sport! I'm hoping that was a one time deal and we never see them again. Other than that, I'm totally beach ready!

a trip to the emergency room

We had to take Logan to the ER last week for an x-ray. She was complaining of pain in her arm after a short fall. Knowing that it couldn't possibly have been injured from such a short gentle fall, I was reluctant to take her to get it checked. As the night went on and into the next morning, she was miserable because of it and not using that arm at all. The morning after, we didn't mention the arm once, but as we were getting dressed she began to complain. We left the house as planned and headed out to the field for Soccer Pictures. She still wasn't using the arm and was still complaining, so off we went to take her to the emergency room for her very first x-ray. She was such a gem while we waited. Of course right as we arrived, so did a stroke patient and a cardiac arrest patient, so our wait was extra long. But Lo was so, soo patient-- more so than I. The nurses spoiled her with stickers, juice, and crayons and coloring pages. Her x-ray came back negative for a fracture. That was all I needed to hear. Logan too it seemed. As the day went on she began to use her arm more and more. We even brought her to soccer the next day. As much as an annoyance it was to sit there and wait I'm glad we brought her and that all is well. Logan enjoyed being in the hospital and seeing how things work. She is so into anything medically related. Got an injury? She has to see it! If she spots someone with a cast, on crutches-- or with a band-aid even, she is so curious and full of questions. So a hospital is this girls people watching dream come true. And she is our dream come true-- our healthy, curious, and injury free dream come true.

a l a p h a b e t art

a is for astronaut || b is for bee || c is for cross || d is for dog || e is for earth || f is for flower || g is for green glitter || h is for house || i is for ice cream (mint. lo's favorite!) || j is for jellyfish || k is for kite || l is for lines || m is for mouse || n is for nest || o is for octopus || p is for parrot || q is for queen || r is for rabbit || s is for snowman || t is for turtle || u is for umbrella || v is for vulture || w is for worm || x is for x-ray || y is for yarn || z is for zipper

 Logan's Letter Art series is completed. 
I've grouped them together for her to admire as a collection. 
She is so proud of her work. I am too.  


s t i l l s

^ watercolors all day every day
^ sweet spring time pretties
^ beautiful spring days
^ little league games
^ saturday morning tennis with my guy
^ after dinner park visit


 "A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2014."

Logan: first game of the season-- and what a gorgeous night it was.

Linking up here.
Favorites from last week: Olivia, Madison, and Leah.



"A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2014."
Logan: Park postponed. Rain, rain, go away!

A few other sweet shots from our rainy day in.
I love that silly face! And those nails. Oh, the nails..

Linking up here.


preschool homeschool | | week 22-25

One letter to go then we have completed the alphabet letter art.
World Wildlife day presented a good time to talk about animals and how special they really are. Logan is finally starting to truly become interested in animals. I especially love when she comes to me with questions, and even more so, when I overhear her telling someone something she recently learned about a specific animal. Her brain and capacity for stored information astound me.
Typically we pull out the paint for our little animal crafts (found here) but I decided to keep it low maintenance so we stuck to colored pencils and markers.
These print outs still serve as an education activity to keep us on task. It reinforces letter recognition and provides opportunities to talk about things that we normally may have not.
Manners are very important to us. I enjoy working on activities that strengthen concepts and ideals on being polite and considerate. Coming from a large family, there are always parties happening, so I found this activity in particular really useful.
Logan pulled this sheet out on her own one day. She likes to trace. When we work together on tracing the outcome is much neater. When writing, coloring, tracing, cutting, etc... she works best with verbal reminders to take her time. That's kids in general though. 
I try to include her in the kitchen when I can. We made roasted cauliflower the other day and she helped with dumping in the ingredients, mixing it all together, and putting them on the tray before I put them in the oven. She later helped with the eating. This little girl has excellent taste!
We haven't been journaling as regularly as I would like to but enough that it's beneficial and she gets to be creative in picking and choosing what she puts in it. Here are two entries from the past weeks that I thought were pretty cute.
Logan plays soccer for our township twice a week. She enjoys going and is such a little social bird while she's there. She has already gained so much more from this experience than we have expected. Her last year soccer playing was a joke (and a bit of a disaster) so we definitely had some reservations in signing her up again. But we are overjoyed with the outcome.