
30.31.32 .52

30.// Logan: sometimes simple style beats the rest. 

31.// Logan: accessorizing may still be your favorite form of dress up. Let's hope the oversized glasses look never dies.

32.// Logan: my little collector, and beach explorer expert.


"A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2014."

Logan: basking in her glory, this girl jogged a mile at the track along side her older cousins. 

Her ambition and drive is so inspiring. As a parent, I couldn't be more proud.

Keep on shining my sweet girl, this world is big, but your desire is bigger.

...now, if only I could channel some of that energy this way.

This photo from my instagram. I've been taking to that form of social media over anything else lately. I love the simplicity, the community, and the creativity. Follow along if you wish! I have some catching up to do here, and hope to do so the next couple of weeks. We've been very busy...I've been preparing lesson plans for our homeschool preschool, we've vacationed, we have done a ton of exploring, and enjoying time with the cousins as the sweet summer slips away. I'm behind in my project 52 too. As much as I dread the closing of summer, I'm looking forward to fall. Lots to tackle, so stay tuned.

Linking up here with many others here.