Life lately: coffees and ice skating and out of season food and in season food and a growing boy and silly selfies and stripes on stripes and more stripes and a cozy spot and a vibe room and cousins (oldest with youngest) and a photos of a traffic light stop view and coffees to go and cold window cheeks and mama/baby photo and fresh flowers and a ramen bar and and and so much more not pictured
life lately-- in photos
Life lately: coffees and ice skating and out of season food and in season food and a growing boy and silly selfies and stripes on stripes and more stripes and a cozy spot and a vibe room and cousins (oldest with youngest) and a photos of a traffic light stop view and coffees to go and cold window cheeks and mama/baby photo and fresh flowers and a ramen bar and and and so much more not pictured
twenty-twenty recap (the clean version)
I think we can all agree that 2020 was a 'weird' year.
It was a mix of every emotion,
every scenario,
and contradicting in so many ways.
It was fast and slow.
It was wild and calm.
It was in and out.
It truly was a plethora of things.
Despite the story this space tells, fortunately; I documented much of it know it'll surely be a year we look back on.
I have neglected this space.
I made room for a lot of nothings,
and a lot of somethings.
I'm hoping to upload a few things I had hoped to share here before jumping into the new year.
We're not quite two weeks into 2021 here and my goal to be a bit better about updating things here. (Fingers crossed!)
But before that-- I'm going to share some simple pieces of our heart that are 2020,
because among all the unknowns,
and fears,
and stress;
there was magic, and life, and love.
Movie hangs
A ride to get out and a Slurpee pick up
Balloons just because
Healthy lunches
Extra mama cuddles before baby's arrival
Weekend pizza-- because we earned it, and balance
A pre-baby selfie
A woolly pup desperate for a hair cut
A rootbeer float to satisfy a craving
Eggs boiled for dye, because traditions
The sweetest pup who knows just when he's needed
Lots of outside time and the cutest dirty face
And all masked up in the beginning , just for fun, because we weren't going anywhere
metal straws + sea turtles-- classmate gifts
philly pizza + play day

We dropped Logan off to school and headed into the city for an impromptu day trip with our sweet dude. We headed into he city to the Please Touch Museum. Adler had never been here before and was so excited to be somewhere new.
Before heading in, we spent some time outside of the building practicing going up and down the steps. This is an area where Adler needs work. The steps here were easier for him because they are shorter and squatter then your standard set of stairs. He went both up and down them rotating feet (first time for him) and it literally made me so happy and proud.
In the museum Adler especially loved...
the water table
the kids market
the art room
the baby nursery
the actual septa bus-- very cool
and the carousel of course!
We ended the day with a late lunch at a pizza by the slice shop which was totally amazing (the pictures don't even do it justice!) and grabbed a coffee to go from our favorite coffee shop in the city.
We cannot wait to go back-- and to bring Logan with us this time too.